10 Simple Ways to Stay Fit as You Age: A Guide for Every Day

As we journey through life, prioritizing our health becomes increasingly important, especially as we age. While staying fit might seem like a daunting task, incorporating daily fitness habits doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. In fact, small, consistent efforts can lead to significant improvements in physical and mental well-being over time. Let’s take a look at some easy ways you can add fitness into your daily life!

Morning Stretches

Begin your day with a gentle mobility routine to wake up your muscles and joints. Spend a few minutes stretching major muscle groups like your hamstrings, shoulders, and back. Focus on deep, controlled breathing to increase oxygen in your body and increase circulation. Remember to end your routine with a quiet moment to let your mind and body absorb the benefits of these stretches.

man working out with medicine ball

Take the Stairs

Ditch the elevator and escalator and take the stairs whenever possible. Start with just a flight or two and gradually increase as you build endurance. Stair climbing engages your leg muscles and gets your heart rate up, contributing to cardiovascular health.

Walking Meet Ups

Instead of meeting friends or family at a coffee shop, take a brisk walk around your neighborhood or nearby park. Invite friends to join you for added motivation and social interaction. Walking boosts mood, relieves stress, and improves overall fitness.

Park Further Away

Challenge yourself to park farther away from your destination and enjoy the extra steps. Whether it’s at the grocery store or shopping mall, those additional steps add up over time, helping to burn calories and improve overall cardiovascular health. 

Dance Breaks

Turn up your favorite tunes and have a spontaneous dance party in your living room. Dancing is a fantastic way to elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and unleash your inner joy, all in the comfort of your own home! Invite family members or friends to join in for added fun and connection. 


Embrace gardening as a form of exercise by digging, planting, weeding, and watering your garden beds. These activities engage multiple muscle groups, improve flexibility, and enhance mental well-being through connection with nature, exposure to Vitamin D, and being in the fresh air.

Strength Training

Incorporate simple bodyweight exercises into your daily routine, such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks. Perform a circuit of these exercises, aiming for 10-15 repetitions of each. Strength training helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, and reduces the risk of injuries as we age.

Yoga or Tai Chi

Explore gentle movement practices like yoga or Tai Chi to enhance balance, flexibility, and relaxation. Attend a local class or follow along with online tutorials designed for beginners. These mindful practices promote physical and mental well-being while reducing the risk of injury. 

women doing yoga

Active Hobbies

Choose hobbies and activities that keep you moving and engaged, such as swimming, cycling, jogging, or joining a pickleball team. Find activities that bring you joy and fulfillment while promoting physical fitness and social connection. 

Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking water regularly, especially before, during, and after physical activity. Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to fuel your body with essential nutrients for optimal health and wellness.

couple working out with weights

By incorporating these fitness routines into your daily life, you can enhance your physical well-being, maintain independence, and enjoy a vibrant and active lifestyle as you age. Start with small, manageable changes and gradually progress to more challenging activities as your fitness level improves. At eternalHealth, we make it easy for our members to incorporate fitness into their daily life, whether at home or at the gym. Learn more today at t 1 (800) 831-9218 (TTY 711) or click here to visit eternalHealth.com

Page Last Updated On: May 1, 2024
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Tom Cunniffe

Tom Cunniffe

Director of Operations 

Tom Cunniffe comes to eternalHealth with over 20 years of healthcare operations’ experience, having held leadership positions in Call Center, Enrollment, Credentialing, UAT and Reimbursement teams. Tom has worked with Medicaid, Commercial and Medicare lines of business and has consistently built teams who are metrics driven with proven successful outcomes. Making sure our business strives for an efficient, best-in-class customer experience is at the center of Tom’s philosophy.

Tom has a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and a master’s in business administration from University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Tom Lawless

Tom Lawless

Chief Financial Officer

Tom Lawless has spent the past 20+ years building, sustaining, and growing new healthcare-related programs that balance fiscal responsibility & prudence with creativity & innovation, focusing on models of care that are novel, person-centered, and improve the social welfare of those who are served. He is very excited to continue doing so in his role as the Chief Financial Officer of eternalHealth.

Tom comes to eternalHealth from a not-for-profit, member-centric, health insurance cooperative. He helped the company continuously strive toward its dual goals of thriving financially, while keeping members at the very epicenter of its mission and service model. While there, Tom also spearheaded the creation of a brand new private, charitable foundation, which will be meaningfully giving back to those in need in the surrounding communities for years to come. Previously, Tom worked in the finance department of a successful hospice that provided high-quality care to persons experiencing their unique and poignant end-of-life journeys, assuring that the appropriate financing was always available. Tom’s career began as a civil servant in the Wisconsin Medicaid program, where he helped to create a program that expanded the institutional entitlement to care into home and community-based settings. Starting with only a blueprint in hand, the program now serves more than 57,000 frail elders and disabled adults and is considered a national model. Growing into a senior leadership role, Tom was a key architect of an innovative financing model, through which the public and private sectors successfully collaborated to better the lives of persons in great need.

Tom holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Chicago, with additional graduate work in economics completed at the University Wisconsin-Madison.

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